Last month, Microsoft took the wraps off its two new entry-level Windows Phone handsets, the Lumia 532 and Lumia 435. Both handsets are slowly hitting retail in many developing markets with the latest one being India. The Lumia 435 is already available in India, and it seems the company silently introduced the Lumia 532 in India as well. The handset costs Rs 6,499 (almost $104), slighly higher than the price of the Lumia 435 which went on sale in India for Rs. 5,999.
The handset features dual-SIM connectivity which is quite popular in developing markets like India. There's a 4-inch display sporting a resolution of 800 by 480 pixels, a quad-core Snapdragon 200 processor coupled a 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage. There's a microSD card slot which supports up to 128GB should you ever require more storage.
To make it even more interesting, customers can redeem 30GB of OneDrive storage with the purchase as well -- 15GB is available once you purchase, and an additional 15GB is allotted when you turn on the camera backup feature on the handset.. The handset ships with Windows Phone 8.1 with Lumia Denim out of the box, and is equipped with a 5MP rear shooter for photos and videos with a f/2.4 aperture. Other specifications include 0.3MP front-facing camera, Bluetooth 4.0, 3.5mm audio jack and a 1,560 mAh battery which can provide users with an estimated battery time of 12 hours on 3G.
If you'd ask me, Lumia 532 is possibly the budget-Windows Phone done right, it runs the latest Windows Phone operating system, has a decent sized battery, and best of all, comes with 1GB of RAM which is a requirement for a bunch of apps in the Windows Phone store. It could very well be the next "Lumia 520" don't you think?
VIA: Winbeta
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